Monday, January 25, 2010

Amongst all the drib and drabble of life, we oftentimes overlook certain people, places and things that truly make an impact on the minutae, or the so-called important things. Well, when the drib and drabble has created a fog that makes it difficult to reflect on said important things, it's best to take time and acknowledge it. Well, my good buddy Ricky D passed away this past week. "Yo Rick," as he was more aptly named, was a colorful and warm character. He was never afraid to tell you what he thought about something without even the slightest inclination of being reserved. He never sought too much, but always gave a lot. He would do anything possible to help his friends, and I am a firsthand witness/benefactor of this. Yes, he made some decisions that I often questioned and confronted him about but never ridiculed him for publicly nor privately, as I was sure that he would one day absolve himself of these decisions. However, perhaps it is me who failed in that I should have been more of a giver to him. It is a quandry that I will never be able to answer, but one that I can always reflect upon moving forward. Yo Rick, I'm sorry bro. I wish I would've been more interfering and petulant. I wish I wouldn't have let things slide. But then again, I'll never judge you for that which I could not control as all I can take away from our friendship is a huge smile and bigger tears and thank God that the muscles in my face will allow me to smile for a much greater time than the tear ducts will allow me to cry. Those muscles are only outdone by the sizable collection of memories that will always have a room in my mind and heart. So, Rest In Peace my friend and as Johnny Cash said "I'll see you further on up the road."